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Magic Tri Peaks Solitaire
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Embark on a captivating solitaire adventure online for free, and explore an enchanted land with this fresh take on the classic card game! While the core gameplay of matching cards one higher or lower remains familiar, prepare for a magic experience filled with constantly shifting locations and new card layouts that demand strategic thinking. Explore magical forests, towering mountains, vast seas, and snow-capped peaks as you progress through an engaging adventure online for free. To cope with the challenges, utilize an array of powerful boosters: the Joker allows you to play any card, the Combo sets you up with a five-card streak, and the Eye reveals the top card of the deck. Use the Sword to swap cards, the Bow to remove any card, the Fan to shuffle and reveal needed cards, and the Hammer to flip hidden cards. Get ready for a wild ride filled with magic, strategy, and adventure in a free solitaire game online!